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Neo-Classical Age (1660-1785); Brief-answer Questions

Neo-Classical Age (1660-1785)

1. Which age is called the "Neo-Classical Age" in English Literature?

Ans: The age that began with the return of the Stuarts to the English throne in 1660 and ended with the 1798 publication of Lyric Ballads is called the "Neo-Classical Age" in English Literature. 

2. Define neo-classicism.

Ans: Neo-classicism is the revival of classical style or treatment in art, literature, architecture and music.

3. Which age is called the pseudo-classical Age?

Ans: The Neo- classical Age is called the pseudo-classical Age.

4. Name the prominent satirists of Neo-Classical Age?

Ans: The prominent satirists of Neo-Classical Age are John Dryden, Alexander Pope and Jonathon Swift.

5. What are the satirical works of John Dryden? 

Ans: The Medall, Absalom and Achitophel and MacFlecknoe are the satirical works of John Dryden.

6. What is "Heroic Couplet"?

Ans: "Heroic Couplet" is a pair of iambic pentameter verse lines which rhyme together.

7. What is "comic epic in prose"?

Ans: The phrase "comic epic in prose" is the definition of novel given by Henry Fielding. Now it refers to a work of prose fiction which is written with the elements of comedy, epic and romance.

8. What is “The Rape of the Lock”?

Ans: “The Rape of the Lock” is a mock-epic by Alexander Pope.

9. What is The Coverley Papers?

Ans: The Coverley Papers is a compilation of papers and works from the fictional author Sir Roger de Coverley, who "contributed" to Joseph Addison's The Spectator.

10. Who is Sir Roger de Coverly?

Ans: Sir Roger de Coverley is a fictional character devised by Joseph Addison who portrayed him as the supposed author of papers and letters that were published in Addison and Richard Steele's periodical The Spectator.

11. What is Hudibras?

Ans: Hudibras is a 17th century English burlesque / mock heroic narrative poem by Samuel Butler.

12. What is a burlesque?

Ans: A burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects

13. What is The Spectator?

Ans: The Spectator is a periodical which was published daily by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.

14. What is The Tatler?

Ans: The Tatler is a British literary and society journal begun by Richard Steele in 1709.

15. What is "Robinson Crusoe"? [NU 2017]

Ans: "Robinson Crusoe" is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. 

16. Who are called the pioneers of English Novel? [NU 2015]

Ans: Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne are called the pioneers of English novel.

17. Who is called the "Father of English Novel"?

Ans: According to Sir Walter Scott, Henry Fielding is the father of English novel. (It is Fielding who gave a definite form and proper shape to the English novel.)

18. What is the first successful novel in English literature?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe is the first successful novel in English literature.

19. What is 'Pamela'? [NU 2017]

Ans: “Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded” is an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, first published in 1740.

20. Who wrote The Castle of Otranto?

Ans: Horace Walpole wrote The Castle of Otranto.

21. Why is Alexander Pope famous in English literature? [NU 2016]

Ans: Alexander Pope is famous in English literature for his satirical verse and for his use of the heroic couplet. He is the translator of Homer and the most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations after Shakespeare.  

22. Which age is known as Augustan Age in English literature? [NU 2015]

Ans: The first half of the 18th century in English literature is known as Augustan Age.

23. Which period is called the Age of Reason? 

Ans: The 18th century in English literature is called the Age of Reason.
